The aim is to cover vacancies the company has in Valladolid, Irun and Pamplona.

The registration period is open until 15 September 2022.

Transfesa Logistics officially announces the launch of its fourth free training course as driving assistants featuring a job bank. Its aim is to cover vacancies the company has in Valladolid, Irun and Pamplona.

The courses will be held precisely in the latter of the three places from September 2022 onwards, featuring face-to-face classes that follow on from the success of their predecessors, announced in 2020 and 2021.

The undertaking of this training courses adheres to the railway operator’s strategy line as a provider of manoeuvres throughout the entire Iberian Peninsula.

The candidates who wish to participate in the selection process must sign up prior to 15 September. They must accredit that, as a minimum requirement, having completed Spanish Mandatory Secondary Education (ESO) or hold an equivalent qualification, and provide a Grade 2 psychophysical aptitude certificate.

The course entails two parts: one technical and one practical. The former deals with face-to-face theoretical training held in Irun. Once this stage has been completed, they will sit an exam in Madrid in early November. The second stage will feature practical sessions totalling 40 to 54 hours in the corresponding city (Valladolid, Irun o Pamplona). Subsequently, an official practical examination will be taken with ADIF, scheduled for the end of 2022.

This qualification will solely be valid to work in Transfesa Logistics Group companies. Successful applicants who do not obtain a post will be placed in a job bank to cover the company’s future needs.